
The Cesko Narodni Hrbitov was established by the Cesko-Slovansa Podporujici Spolecnost (C.S.P.S.), a fraternal benefits society, after the C.S.P.S. organized Lodge #105 in Ellinger, TX in 1884.  The Lodge was abandoned at a C.S.P.S. convention in 1897, but the cemetery remained.  The cemetery has also been called the Czech Born Cemetery, C.S.P.S. Cemetery, Czech National Cemetery, Ellinger National Cemetery, Ellinger City Cemetery, and the Ellinger Public Cemetery.

The cemetery land, approximately 2 acres, was originally set aside for the cemetery by adjacent landowners.   It serves as the burial ground for many early Czech settlers of Fayette County, including Thomas and Anna Hruska, Josef Holec, A. M. and Berta Koniakovsky, and Ignatz and Anna Krenek.   The earliest known grave, that of Josef Adamek, dates back to 1890.  Through the years, U.S. veterans have been laid to rest here, as well.  The cemetery continues to be open for burials and is not restricted to people of Czech descent. 

Over the years, management and maintenance of the cemetery have been provided by dedicated volunteers. The Cesko Narodni Hrbitov Cemetery Organization, was formed in 1995 and established as a non-profit organization in 1997 under the leadership of Edith (Hruska) Rek and Lillie Mae (Vavra) Brightwell. In 2000, the cemetery was designated a Historic Texas Cemetery by the Texas State Historical Commission. The cemetery continues to be managed today by the Cesko Narodni Hrbitov Cemetery Organization.

If you would like to honor the past and help preserve this special place of remembrance for the future, please consider making a donation to support the work of the Cesko Narodni Hrbitov Cemetery Organization.

Historic Texas Cemetery – marker dedication
November 15, 2003